Train the Trainer - TECHNICAL TRAINER
The profession of the TECHNICAL TRAINER has established itself in mechanical and plant engineering over the last 20 – 25 years. This was preceded by an increasing demand on the part of corporate customers to meet the constantly growing technological progress. In most cases, a TECHNICAL TRAINER is a technician or engineer who passes on his enormous expertise to the customer. This person is often a long-time employee of the company. Due to the increasing demand, more and more new employees have been recruited for this activity recently. The focus of the requirement profile is on the technical knowledge of the employee. A training as a trainer in soft skills is in most cases not available!

TECHNICAL TRAINING is adult education and has to do with the activity of a teacher in the school system only at first sight. The TECHNICAL TRAINER must be able to impart his or her specialist knowledge. He/She is THE figurehead (the expert) of the company and an important contact person for corporate customers. Many companies today are globally active. Dealing with foreign cultures is therefore an integral part of the requirement profile of a TECHNICAL TRAINER
- The Trainer (definition, structure of training, documents, organisation, Do’s & Don’ts)
- Dealing with modern presentation media
- Communication (types of communication, communication models, communication techniques, question techniques)
- Customer oriented language (YOU formulations, benefit formulations, positive formulations
- Learning methods, didactics & rhetoric
- job etiquette (dress and appearance, greeting, forms of address, small talk, e-mail, telephone)
- Conflict management (escalation models, de-escalation, dealing with difficult situations)
give/take feedback - Working in a Globalised World (travel preparation & management, travel security, cross-cultural basics)
- BONUS: Interactive video training
- Technical Trainers
- Technicians/Engineers with Trainer tasks
- Training managers
- IT Trainers (separate course)
Through the offered course/workshop your employee will be optimally prepared for his work. He/She is therefore able to prepare and conduct his/her training according to the latest knowledge. Dealing with customers and difficult situations will be much easier for him. This is of course beneficial to the TECHNICAL TRAINER, but also to his/her company and ultimately especially to the customer!
The course is not only about imparting knowledge. A video or instruction manual could also cover this. Only the interaction with the participant makes this workshop so valuable
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